Navega na internet à tua maneira por 24h com o plano afrinet.
Para activar os dados diários no teu telemóvel marca *123*1# e segue as instruções
Planos 1 Dia
1 Dia
150 MB
Dados 24h
150 MB
Dados 23h-7h
Kz 100
MARCA *123*1*1*1#
1 Dia
300 MB
Dados 24h
300 MB
Dados 23h-7h
Kz 200
MARCA *123*1*1*2#
1 Dia
500 MB
Dados 24h
Kz 300
MARCA *123*1*1*3#
1 Dia
1 GB
Dados 24h
Kz 500
MARCA *123*1*1*4#
1 Dia
3 GB
Dados 24h
Kz 800
MARCA *123*1*1*5#
Plano 3 Dias
3 Dias
2 GB
Dados 24h
Kz 700
MARCA *123*1*2*1#
Planos 7 Dias
7 Dias
750 MB
Dados 24h
750 MB
Dados 23h-7h
Kz 500
MARCA *123*1*3*1#
7 Dias
3 GB
Dados 24h
Kz 1000
MARCA *123*1*3*2#
7 Dias
8 GB
Dados 24h
Kz 2000
MARCA *123*1*3*3#
Planos 30 Dias
30 Dias
1.5 GB
Dados 24h
1.5 GB
Dados 23h-7h
Kz 1000
MARCA *123*1*4*1#
7 Dias
2 GB
Dados 24h
Kz 1500
MARCA *123*1*4*2#
30 Dias
3.5 GB
Dados 24h
3.5 GB
Dados 23h-7h
Kz 2000
MARCA *123*1*4*3#
30 Dias
6 GB
Dados 24h
6 GB
Dados 23h-7h
Kz 3000
MARCA *123*1*4*4#
30 Dias
12 GB
Dados 24h
12 GB
Dados 23h-7h
Kz 5000
MARCA *123*1*4*5#
Terms and conditions:
1• Afrinet promotional packages are exclusive to Kuyuyu Prepaid SIM cards.


2• Plan prices include 14% VAT.


3• Customers can subscribe via USSD 1231# or at Africell stores, Afrimoney agents, Multicaixa Express, and ATMs.


4• The data allocated to the packages can be used on 2G/3G/4G/5G devices within the Africell network in Angola.


5• The allocated benefits are valid from the moment of subscription until the expiry date.


6• Customers can check their benefits balance using the command *123*2*1#.


7• Customers can subscribe to the packages multiple times.


8• Unused benefits will be lost after the expiry date unless otherwise specified.


9• Africell reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions at any time. Any changes will be communicated in advance through Africell’s official channels.

1• Who can subscribe to Afrinet promotional packages?

Afrinet promotional packages are exclusive to Kuyuyu Prepaid SIM users.

2• Can I use the allocated data in any device?

Yes, the data can be used on 2G/3G/4G/5G devices within the Africell network in Angola.

3• What happens to unused benefits after the expiry date?

Unused benefits will be lost after the expiry date.

4• Can I subscribe to the same package multiple times?

Yes, it is possible to subscribe to the packages multiple times. The benefits will accumulate, and the longest validity will apply.

5• How can I check my remaining benefits?

You can check your benefits balance using the command 1232*1#.